Our Priorities

Our Priorities
The Colussi Group’s business is inspired by five main values:
- QUALITY: Commitment to those who choose the Group, its brands and products, satisfying the food requirements of consumers with products and services of a high-quality level.
- INNOVATION: Research, development, and dynamism as a way of defending tradition, productivity and advanced technology are the prerogatives of Colussi’s modern industrial philosophy and of all the Group’s products and brands.
- INTEGRITY: Always acting with integrity and within the law, maintaining all commitments undertaken.
- BALANCE: Building development in harmony with the ecosystem, this ensuring the wellbeing of future generations.
- PARTICIPATION: Making people the focus of every action, both within the organisation and in relations with third parties.
Product quality and food safety

Product quality and food safety
Our high quality level is the standard which drives all the activities of the Group, a principle inspired by its tradition of excellence, the result of a professionalism and technical know-how deeply rooted in the past, generating a competitive edge that helps secure customer loyalty and develop the perception of its brands.
The goal of Colussi is to ensure that all its products can be consumed with absolute peace of mind, as they are compliant with all the laws in force and meet the highest quality standards. In this regard, carefully selecting our raw materials is essential, as is constantly monitoring their quality over time. This is why we carry out many checks through the entire production chain to ensure the absolute safety of every product.
Quality means the constant commitment of all the people who work for the Group, combined with the ability to innovate every day to achieve better results and ensure we keep the promise of goodness and wholesomeness embodied by each product.
The Colussi Group has chosen to use raw materials that are increasingly kind to the environment and our health: this is why our products are free from palm oil and we only buy eggs from free-range hens.
The Colussi Group has obtained the UNI ENI ISO 9001 quality system certification for its main production sites and is also BRC and IFS certified.
Research and

Research and
The direct line established with consumers, its intense collaboration with the scientific world, the studies and researches carried out by the Group includes important information on market expectations, trends and lifestyles: useful information to understand consumer needs thus respond effectively and promptly.

The Colussi Group’s development and innovation process began systematically in the early 1980s. The research and development process is usually supported by European funds.
Download the information poster relating to the POR FESR 2014‐2020
2018 2020
The innovation activity often involves relationships with external research institutions, nutritionists, doctors and universities in order to improve the nutritional characteristics of the products or to procure more information about human health aspects. The collaboration also concerns projects such as product development and research of new ingredients, ad hoc research and analysis, training. Examples of projects are those carried out in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, of which the Group has been a Strategic Partner since 2015.
The Group has forged other partnerships
with Universities and research centres.
University of Perugia
- Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences;
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences;
- Department of Engineering;
- Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnologies;
- Terni Scientific and Didactic Campus;
- Foundation for Agricultural Education.
University of Milan
- Department of Food and Microbiology Sciences and Technologies;
- Department of Pharmacological Sciences.
University of Parma
- Department of Information Engineering;
University of Molise
- Department of Agriculture, Environment and Food ;
University of Bologna
- Department of Specialty and Experimental Clinical Medicine;
University of Sassari
- Department of Agricultural Sciences;
University of Pisa
- Department of Economics and Management;
Bambino Gesù children's hospital (Rome)
- Department of Paediatric Medicine.
Crea, Concil for research in agriculture and analysis of the agricultural economy (Rome)
Polytechnic Satakunta University of applied sciences (Pori, Finland)
G.B Rossi General Hospital in Verona
University of Pavia
Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics
The Colussi Group operates in compliance with the ethical principles of legality, correctness, respect for the individual, product quality and safety, respect for the environment, land resources and their conservation.
As part of its activities and in the conduct of its business, the Group considers compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates to be an indispensable principle. For this reason, it has adopted a Code of Ethics and internal procedures aimed at making correct and transparent behaviour the basis of its corporate culture and a standard of behaviour for all its stakeholders.
With the aim of regulating its whistleblowing process pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/23, according to methods aimed at guaranteeing the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity, Colussi S.p.A. has defined its own model for receiving and managing reports, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and article 18 of Legislative Decree no. 51 of 2018.
Whistleblowing reports must be as detailed as possible, made in good faith, on the basis of reasonable belief based on precise and consistent factual elements and can be addressed to the Company’s Whistleblowing Committee via its certified email address whistleblowing.colussi@pec.intesa.it.
Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability
The Colussi Group encourages the protection and respect of the environment, as well as the correct, responsible use of energy and natural resources, seeing this approach as an undertaking of responsibility towards the community as a whole. It strives to constantly use resources in a more responsible way, helping to reduce wastage and limit the production of waste, improving the possibility of recovering the materials used and reducing CO2 emissions.
Caring for people

Caring for people
The Colussi Group aims to ensure all its workers benefit from a working environment that promotes the wellbeing of everyone, proposing training and collaboration as essential tools for the success of the Group and the maintenance of high-quality levels.
Colussi aims to be a workplace in which each employee can contribute as effectively as possible to achieving the Group’s objectives. A workplace in full compliance with the principles of equality and equal opportunities that offers challenging objectives, responsibilities, and rewards, as part of a positive, motivational pathway that encourages everyone to play an active part in the company. As well as guaranteeing all its workers suitable working environments, the Group also constantly seeks to identify technological solutions that improve the working conditions.
Diet and wellness

Diet and wellness
Colussi Group firmly believes in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and, with its products, it invites consumers to follow a varied, balanced diet, aimed at ensuring they stay healthy and providing them with sufficient energy and nutrients, with no nutritional shortcomings or excesses. This is why each product made by the Group is formulated to guarantee excellence in terms of quality, organoleptic performances, and nutritional profile.
The Group fulfils its commitment to consumers by promoting the healthy Mediterranean diet and the importance of regular exercise.